Public Docks
Lake Wallkill has ten Public Dock areas that provide a dual purpose. Members are permitted to store boats at the public dock area during the Summer Season (June – September) and these docks give members the ability to launch boats and gain access to the lake.
Members that choose to store boats at the public dock should remember:
- All boats should be stored to the sides of the ‘lane’ to allow for access by emergency vehicles.
- All boats must be removed from the Public Dock areas at the end of the season to allow for necessary maintenance.
- All boats must have a Lake Wallkill permit sticker if they are to be used in the Lake or housed on a public dock.
Fire Lanes/Public Docks are provided around Lakeside Drive for the use of the Membership of Lake Wallkill and their guests. Members are permitted to store their boats at the Fire Lane/Public Dock however, it is the Member’s responsibility to secure their boat and all boats shall use available storage rack or be placed to the sides of the Fire Lave to allow access by Emergency Vehicles as needed. Lake Wallkill is not liable for any theft or damage of boats stored by Members on Community Property.
Storage at the Fire Lanes/Public Docks shall be limited to the Months of May through October. All boats shall be removed by Members during the months of November through April for maintenance of the Fire Lane/Public Docks.
Boats remaining on Community Property after October may be confiscated by the Lake and must be claimed by the Owner within 12 Months or they will become property of Lake Wallkill Community INC.
The Beach Docks and boat ‘parking area’ are intended for daily use of Members. Boats shall not be stored or left overnight in this area.
Please see Violet in the office for your FREE boat sticker.
Public Docks also serve as FIRE LANES to provide access to the lake in the event of a fire emergency. For this reason, the entrance to and lanes that form the Fire lanes must be kept clear at all times.