Ladies Club

Participation in any activity or event requires all Membership Dues and Assessments be paid in full.

If you are interested in holding a position on the board please let us know.

Ladies of the Lake supports the following activities at our Lake. Please consider volunteering to help organize, chair, or co-chair one of these exciting activities. It is a great way to get to know your neighbors. Each activity, and its standard budget allowance, is described in more detail in the Ladies of the Lake By-Laws posted on the Lake Wallkill Community Inc. website.

Children's Activities

Open to girls with advanced swimming ability age 11 and up by August 31st, who are not participating in Jazzbelles, who pass a qualifying swim test, and who are able to make at least 75% of all practices. This group begins practicing in July at the beach - watch for bulletins - and performs a swimming routine, set to music, at Regatta. Older teens coach the group. Swim suits are paid for by Ladies of the Lake, consistent with its annual budget.

@ Beach ~ watch the bulletin boards
Chairpersons: TBD

A swimming routine, set to music, to be performed in the lake at Regatta. This event is open to girls age 11 and up, who are NOT participating in Jazzbelles. The girls swimming ability will be subject to a qualifying swim test, before beginning. Participants need not be on the Wallkill swim team, but this involves advanced swimming ability and is not open to beginner swimmers. A Ladies group member chairs the committee and teens coach the girls.

Must be at least 11 years old by August 31st of current year.
Must be able to dive successfully.
Must be able to execute moves successfully.
Must be able to tread water for no less than 10 minutes.
Must be able to make at least 90% of all practices.
MUST be able to swim!!

Adult Ladies Activities

Open to adults 21 and over only. At the Clubhouse on the Saturday night of Columbus Day weekend in October. Be creative and come in costume! A reasonable entry fee will be charged to cover the estimated costs of the party. Live entertainment (i.e,. either a DJ or live combo) will be provided by Ladies of the Lake, paid from the entry fees. Bring your own alcohol drinks (if you want to) and your own food. Non-alcohol drinks and light snacks will be provided by Ladies of the Lake.

Chairpersons: TBD

Ladies Club Officers