Trash Removal
Trash removal is provided for all Members in good standing. The lake has contracted with Blue Diamond Dosposal (973) 598-9800 for the removal of household waste only. Should you have any question about trash pick-up or a missed pick-up you should contact the Lake Manager at 973-903-6514.
Bulk Items can be disposed of at the Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority in Lafayette. You can find information on the web at SCMUA or by phone (973) 579-6998 including acceptable materials and associated fees.
Trash Pickup Policies:
Trash pickup day is usually Monday.
Service will be a maximum of 3 cans. Each can not to exceed 50 lbs.
Under no circumstances should toxic or hazardous material be put out for pickup. This includes and/all batteries and paint.
Vernon Twp Recycling Center accepts a variety of materials. Check the Town website :
All trash should be placed at curbside no later than 6:30 A.M.
For bulk pick up service, please call the dispatcher to set up a pick up date and price. Blue Diamond Disposal phone # is (973) 579-6998.
Bulk disposal is also available at Sussex County Municipal Utility Authority (SCUMA) on Route 94 in Lafayette.
Vernon Township offers FREE Bulky Waste Drop-Off Days – For further information, call 973-764-3021.
This is usually an annual event.
Any holidays that fall on Mondays: a notification about pickup day will be email blasted and posted on facebook.