Septic Tanks
Keeping your septic healthy keeps our Lake healthy.
REQUIRED: Your septic must be pumped every three years or less and proof of pumping (receipt) sent to the office. If the Office does not receive proof of pumping, the member is subject to a Non-Pumping fee that can be found in the Schedule of Fees.
Community Pumping: Each year the Lake arranges with a local service to pump septics in our community at a reduced rate. To receive the discounted rate you must expose the septic cover yourself and the DRIVER will remove the cover. Sign up with your name and lake street address and a phone number. You will write a check to the truck driver when they pump your septic. An email and bulletin board postings will announce a month before the group pumping will happen.
Sign Up: Office Manager to sign up – 973-875-5620.
Maintenance: Please see the Rutgers Cooperative Extension about proper septic maintenance. Or see for more information.
Oil Tanks
Check your tank regularly for any corrosion or leaks.
Leak: Something we seldom think about…our tanks can be a very volatile thing for our environment and our Community. If a tank leaks you may not know for a long time. The oil can find its way to the ground water and contaminate wells and our Lake water. If you have an older oil tank it can be replaced with a double-hulled tank, like the Roth brand. They can be inside or outside.
Maintenance: The State of New Jersey has a lot of information here about oil tank safety & maintenance.
Assistance: There are also some grants that may be available to replace a tank – look into it.
Cleanup: Cleanup is the responsibility of the homeowner, it can be very expensive and many insurance companies are now excluding or limiting coverage. Be sure to check your policy for specifics.